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Loloi Hand Woven Throw Pillow - 18x18”

Item #3VWHD
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About Loloi Hand Woven Throw Pillow - 18x18”

Closeout. Refresh your living space with Loloi's Hand Woven throw pillow.


Specs about Loloi Hand Woven Throw Pillow - 18x18”


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About Loloi

The story behind Loloi rugs began a little over 10 years ago with a small group of highly motivated designers and entrepreneurs. From day one, the goal behind this brand was to build a business on innovation, creativity, superb attention to detail and an unparalleled commitment to quality. In the years since, the company behind Loloi area rugs has received five ARTS Awards: one for ‘Outdoor Living,’ one for ‘Green Manufacturer’ and three for ‘Best Rug Manufacturer.’ Not only are ARTS Awards considered the most prestigious honor in the rug industry, no other brand has won more than Loloi. When you’re in the market for stylish, distinctive and finely crafted rugs, Loloi indoor and outdoor rugs are always a superb choice.